The Golden Age of Piracy, spanning from the late 17th century to the early 18th century, was a period of rampant maritime lawlessness characterised by pirates such as Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, and Anne Bonny. These pirates operated in the Caribbean, the Atlantic, and other major shipping routes, preying on merchant vessels and occasionally even seizing coastal settlements. It ultimately ended due to increased naval enforcement and changing global dynamics.
Pirate Skull Key-Ring
Product Description: This Skull is made from resin that is hand painted and is supplied on a quality..
Skull Pencil Topper - Pewter
Product Description: This Skull pencil topper is made from lead-free pewter and is a 3D model of a p..
Skull & Crossbones Pencil Topper - Pewter
Product Description: This Skull & Crossbones pencil topper is made from lead-free pewter and is ..
Pirate Treasure Coin Pack
Product Description: The Pirate Treasure coin pack contains a reproduction of a Philip II Two Escudo..
Pirate Black Quill Pen
Product Description: This Pirate Quill Pen is made from a real feather attached to a ribbon covered ..
Pirate Educational Colouring Posters
Product Description: The Pirate Colouring Posters consists of four A3 size colouring sheets, six col..