• Shark's Tooth Pendant - Pewter

Shark's Tooth Pendant - Pewter

  • Product Code: STP
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.50

Product Description: This Shark’s tooth pendant is made from lead-free pewter and is inspired from the tooth of a prehistoric shark. The shark’s tooth is supplied on a waxed cord. The pendant is mounted on an information card, which explains about early fish.

Information: Fish are vertebrates (backbones animals) that live in water. Fish without jaws or teeth appeared at the end of the Cambrian Period, about 480 million years ago. Jawless fish fed by sucking tiny pieces of rotten flesh from the sea floor. Fish developed jaws and teeth 420 million years ago. This allowed them to catch and eat larger animals and move around more freely than jawless fish.

During the Devonian Period, about 410 million years ago, fish had heavy armour of bony plates and scales. Most of these fish eventually died out, but some, including the first sharks and ray-rimmed fish, have modern relatives.

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